Thursday, April 30, 2009

Microsoft slowly moving towards the release of windows 7

Microsoft isn't giving the exact date when they are going to release Windows 7 but they are just hoping that nothing much has changed between the beta version and the retail version they are going to put up. Subscribers to Microsoft's MSDN and TechNet developer programs will have access to the release candidate version starting Thursday, while the general public will have to wait until may 5. That said, users may not notice a huge difference between the two versions at first glance. "We're not adding a ton of things," said Corporate Vice President Mike Nash in an interview. "Most of the changes are fit-and-finish things."
The company didn't say how many people it hopes will try out the version, which is expected to be the last public test version before Microsoft declares Windows 7 soup. Nash did say he is hoping plenty of IT professionals use the product at work and home and also that any lingering partners make sure they have tested their products.
Among the changes from the beta release are a more final version of Internet Explorer 8 and the expansion of a media-sharing feature to allow unprotected videos and music to be accessed remotely over the Internet.
In addition to the RC itself, Microsoft is also making available a beta version of XP Mode, an add-on to Windows 7 that uses virtualization to run programs that run in XP but not in Windows Vista. Windows 7 is widely expected to be released in time for this year's holiday shopping season--a goal that one top executive said recently is "accomplishable" although Microsoft has stopped short of guaranteeing that.
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